Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chicago in 8 days we march to the polls to vote,

 Chicago in 8 days we march to thee polls to vote for the leadership for the next four years, but this morning as you read my blog I want to play a name game with you and tell me is this what Chicago is really all about. Daley's, Madigan's, Burke's, Sawyer's, Jackson's, Beaver's, Tillman, Cullerton's Stroger's, Hine's, and I can think of about 10 or 20 more family but you get my point I hope. Why is Chicago politics controlled by a few political families.

I know that out of the millions of people in Business, The Arts, Labor, or just regular honest people there is a collection of Good Willing people that can come together and make government work for the people of Chicago. Now If you think that these few groups of families knows what's best for us then keep on doing what we been doing and we'll keep on getting what we been getting NOTHING, no access to contracts, no job, no protection (Oh, Burke has protection, he has six police protecting him, count it 6 police protecting him). While the neighborhood go unprotected or our kids get shot waiting on school bus. People please aren't you "sick and tired of being sick and tired".

Fact check time inorder for Ald. Burke to have 6 police protecting him our 18 African American aldermen had to vote for it, they don't even have enough sense to protect their own community. People think about this for one minute ok, if we had the salaries that 4 of those police were paid in a substance abuse program could we have helped someone, people if we had the salaries that 4 of those police were paid in a Domestic abuse program do you think we could helped someone, people if we had the salaries that 4 of those police were paid in a After-school  abuse program do you think we could have helped some children.

On Tuesday when you go to vote I am encouraging you to please go and vote but please use your common sense don't count on the :30 second sound bites but think and read and look at the neighborhood that you are walk through or riding through and ask can't we do better and look at the alterantive candidate becasue we know the the current top down sha given us for the past during four years NOTHING!!!

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